
Inconceivable (Adj.)

Pronunciation: In-kuhn-see-vuh-buhl

Word Meaning:

  1. Not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; beyond understanding.
  2. Unbelievable or unimaginable; difficult to believe or accept.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The scale of the disaster was so immense that it was inconceivable for the residents.
  2. The idea that aliens visited Earth and left crop circles was considered inconceivable by many scientists.
  3. The amount of wealth amassed by the business magnate was inconceivable to the average person.


  1. Unimaginable
  2. Unthinkable
  3. Beyond belief
  4. Unbelievable
  5. Beyond comprehension


  1. Conceivable
  2. Understandable
  3. Believable
  4. Possible
  5. Conceivable

Word Meaning in Hindi: अचिन्ह्य (Achinha), असंभावनीय (Asambhavniya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. आपदा का पैम्बर सीमा इतना विशाल था कि निवासियों के लिए यह अचिन्ह्य था। (The scale of the disaster was so immense that it was inconceivable for the residents.)
  2. विचार किया जाता था कि विदेशी अंतरिक्षयात्री भूमि पर आए और फसल के गोले छोड़े, यह बहुत से वैज्ञानिकों के लिए असंभावनीय था। (The idea that aliens visited Earth and left crop circles was considered inconceivable by many scientists.)
  3. व्यापार महाकंठ के द्वारा जमा की गई धन की मात्रा सामान्य व्यक्ति के लिए अचिन्ह्य थी। (The amount of wealth amassed by the business magnate was inconceivable to the average person.)

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