
Impropriety (N)

Pronunciation: im-pruh-pry-i-tee

Word Meaning:

  1. The quality or state of being improper; the condition of being inappropriate or unsuitable.
  2. An inappropriate or unacceptable act, behavior, or expression.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The politician’s impropriety during the campaign led to public criticism.
  2. There were allegations of impropriety in the company’s financial dealings.
  3. Speaking about personal matters at a formal event is considered a breach of impropriety.


  1. Inappropriateness
  2. Indecency
  3. Incorrectness
  4. Unseemliness
  5. Unfitness


  1. Propriety
  2. Appropriateness
  3. Correctness
  4. Decency
  5. Suitability

Word Meaning in Hindi: अनुचितता (Anuchitata), अशिष्टता (Ashishtata)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. राजनीतिक अभियांत्री की अनुचितता ने चुनाव में जनसमर्थन में कमी की थी। (The politician’s impropriety during the campaign led to public criticism.)
  2. कंपनी के वित्तीय लेन-देन में अनुचितता के आरोप लगाए गए थे। (There were allegations of impropriety in the company’s financial dealings.)
  3. साक्षात्कार के दौरान व्यक्तिगत मुद्दों के बारे में बात करना असाक्षम समझा जाता है। (Speaking about personal matters at a formal event is considered a breach of impropriety.)

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