
Imperishable (Adj.)

Pronunciation: im-puh-rish-uh-buhl

Word Meaning: Not subject to decay or destruction; enduring indefinitely.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The ancient artifacts in the museum are made of imperishable materials.
  2. Love and memories are often considered imperishable.
  3. The philosopher sought to discover the imperishable essence of existence.


  1. Indestructible
  2. Eternal
  3. Immortal
  4. Enduring
  5. Everlasting
  6. Unfading
  7. Timeless


  1. Perishable
  2. Temporary
  3. Transient
  4. Ephemeral
  5. Mortal
  6. Finite

Word Meaning in Hindi: अमर (Amar), अविनाशी (Avinashi)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. संग्रहालय में के अवस्थान अमर सामग्रियों से बनी हैं। (The ancient artifacts in the museum are made of imperishable materials.)
  2. प्रेम और स्मृतियाँ अक्सर अमर मानी जाती हैं। (Love and memories are often considered imperishable.)
  3. दार्शनिक ने अस्तित्व के अमर सार की खोज की। (The philosopher sought to discover the imperishable essence of existence.)

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