
Impending (Adj.)

Pronunciation: im-pen-ding

Word Meaning: About to happen; imminent; looming.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The dark clouds in the sky indicated the impending storm.
  2. The team felt a sense of urgency due to the impending deadline.
  3. There was a feeling of unease in the air, as if something ominous was impending.


  1. Approaching
  2. Imminent
  3. Looming
  4. Coming
  5. forthcoming
  6. Pending
  7. Inevitable


  1. Distant
  2. Remote
  3. Unlikely
  4. Avoidable
  5. Postponed
  6. Deferred
  7. Preventable

Word Meaning in Hindi: आसन्न (Aasann), समीपस्थ (Samipasth), निकटस्थ (Nikatstha)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. आसमान में काले बादलों ने आसन्न तूफान की सूचना दी। (The dark clouds in the sky indicated the impending storm.)
  2. टीम ने आसन्न समयसीमा के कारण एकाग्रता का अहसास किया। (The team felt a sense of urgency due to the impending deadline.)
  3. वातावरण में एक चीज अनिश्चित रूप से आने वाली थी, जैसे कुछ शुभाशुभ। (There was a feeling of unease in the air, as if something ominous was impending.)

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