
Imminent (Adj.)

Pronunciation: im-uh-nuhnt

Word Meaning: Likely to happen soon; impending; about to occur.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The storm clouds indicated that an imminent thunderstorm was approaching.
  2. Due to the economic downturn, there was an imminent threat of job layoffs.
  3. The diplomat warned of the imminent danger of a conflict escalating.


  1. Pending
  2. Approaching
  3. Impending
  4. Close
  5. Looming
  6. Inevitable
  7. Brewing


  1. Distant
  2. Remote
  3. Unlikely
  4. Delayed
  5. Far-off
  6. Uncertain
  7. Avoidable

Word Meaning in Hindi: आसन्न (Aasann), समीपस्थ (Samipasth), संकटमय (Sankatmay)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. बवंडर के बादलों ने इसका संकेत दिया कि एक समीपस्थ आंधी आ रही थी। (The storm clouds indicated that an imminent thunderstorm was approaching.)
  2. आर्थिक मंदी के कारण, नौकरी की नौटंकी का एक समीपस्थ खतरा था। (Due to the economic downturn, there was an imminent threat of job layoffs.)
  3. राजदूत ने चेतावनी दी कि संघर्ष के समीपस्थ खतरे का खतरा है कि बढ़ सकता है। (The diplomat warned of the imminent danger of a conflict escalating.)

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