
Illusive (Adj.):


  • ih-loo-siv

Word Meaning:

  • Illusive refers to something that is deceptive, misleading, or not based on reality. It is often used to describe things that give a false impression or are elusive and difficult to grasp.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The success portrayed in the movie turned out to be illusive, as the character faced numerous challenges in reality.
  2. The mirage in the desert created an illusive appearance of water, deceiving the travelers.
  3. Happiness can be illusive if one constantly pursues external achievements without focusing on internal well-being.


  1. Deceptive
  2. Misleading
  3. Illusory
  4. Mirage-like
  5. Fictitious


  1. Genuine
  2. Real
  3. Authentic
  4. Clear
  5. Truthful

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • भ्रांतिमय (Bhramtimay) or मिथ्या (Mithya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. फिल्म में दिखाए गए सफलता का चित्र वास्तविकता में कई चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ा, क्योंकि वहां के किरदार ने वास्तविकता में कई संघर्षों का सामना किया। (The success portrayed in the movie turned out to be illusive, as the character faced numerous challenges in reality.)
  2. रेगिस्तान में मिराज वायुमंडल ने यात्रीयों को भ्रांतिमय पानी की छवि बनाई, उन्हें धोखा देती हुई। (The mirage in the desert created an illusive appearance of water, deceiving the travelers.)
  3. खुशी भ्रांतिमय हो सकती है अगर कोई निरंतर बाह्य उपलब्धियों की पुरस्कृति करता है और आंतरिक भलाइयों पर ध्यान नहीं देता है। (Happiness can be illusive if one constantly pursues external achievements without focusing on internal well-being.)

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