
Idol (N):


  • ai-dl

Word Meaning:

  • An idol can refer to several meanings. It can be a physical object, often a representation of a deity, that is worshipped or revered. It can also be a person who is greatly admired, loved, or revered.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Devotees gathered around the idol to offer prayers and seek blessings.
  2. The famous singer became an idol for aspiring musicians around the world.
  3. The ancient temple housed an idol of the goddess worshipped by the local community.


  1. Icon
  2. Image
  3. Representation
  4. Symbol
  5. Hero


  1. Critic
  2. Villain
  3. Detractor
  4. Opponent
  5. Adversary

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • मूर्ति (Moorti) or पूज्य (Poojya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. भक्तजन मूर्ति के चारों ओर इकट्ठा हो गए थे ताकि वे प्रार्थना कर सकें और आशीर्वाद मांग सकें। (Devotees gathered around the idol to offer prayers and seek blessings.)
  2. यह प्रसिद्ध गायक दुनिया भर के आगामी संगीतकारों के लिए एक पूज्य बन गए। (The famous singer became an idol for aspiring musicians around the world.)
  3. प्राचीन मंदिर में स्थित एक मूर्ति थी जिसे स्थानीय समुदाय द्वारा पूजा जाता था। (The ancient temple housed an idol of the goddess worshipped by the local community.)

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