
Idiosyncrasy (N):


  • id-ee-uh-sing-kruh-see

Word Meaning:

  • Idiosyncrasy refers to a distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic that is unique to an individual or a group. It can also denote a behavior, habit, or mannerism that is particular to a person.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. One of her idiosyncrasies was always wearing mismatched socks.
  2. The artist’s painting style had a certain idiosyncrasy that made it easily recognizable.
  3. Each family has its own idiosyncrasies in terms of traditions and customs.


  1. Quirk
  2. Eccentricity
  3. Peculiarity
  4. Oddity
  5. Distinctiveness


  1. Conformity
  2. Uniformity
  3. Sameness
  4. Typicality
  5. Commonality

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • विशिष्टता (Vishishtata) or स्वभाविक विचित्रता (Svabhavik Vichitra)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसकी एक विशिष्टता यह थी कि वह हमेशा अलग-अलग जोड़ी के मोजे पहनती थी। (One of her idiosyncrasies was always wearing mismatched socks.)
  2. कलाकार की चित्रकला की शैली में एक विशेष विशिष्टता थी जिससे उसे आसानी से पहचाना जा सकता था। (The artist’s painting style had a certain idiosyncrasy that made it easily recognizable.)
  3. प्रत्येक परिवार की अपनी विशिष्टताएँ और परंपराएँ होती हैं। (Each family has its own idiosyncrasies in terms of traditions and customs.)

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