
Iconoclast (N):


  • eye-kon-uh-klast

Word Meaning:

  • An iconoclast is a person who challenges or attacks traditional beliefs, customs, or institutions. It can also refer to someone who opposes the veneration or worship of icons or religious images.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The artist was considered an iconoclast for his unconventional and rebellious approach to traditional art.
  2. The philosopher was known as an iconoclast for challenging established theories and ideologies.
  3. Despite being labeled an iconoclast, she believed in progress and innovation rather than blindly following tradition.


  1. Rebel
  2. Dissenter
  3. Maverick
  4. Nonconformist
  5. Heretic


  1. Conformist
  2. Traditionalist
  3. Conservative
  4. Orthodox
  5. Believer

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • मूर्तिभंजनकारी (Moortibhanganakari) or पूजा-भंगी (Pooja-Bhangi)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उस कलाकार को अपरंपरागत और बगैरिक शैली के लिए एक मूर्तिभंजनकारी माना जाता था। (The artist was considered an iconoclast for his unconventional and rebellious approach to traditional art.)
  2. वह दार्शनिक ने स्थापित सिद्धांतों और विचारशीलताओं का समर्थन करने के लिए एक मूर्तिभंजनकारी के रूप में जाना जाता था। (The philosopher was known as an iconoclast for challenging established theories and ideologies.)
  3. एक मूर्तिभंजनकारी कहलाने के बावजूद, उसने पारंपरिकता की बजाय प्रगति और नवाचार की पूजा की। (Despite being labeled an iconoclast, she believed in progress and innovation rather than blindly following tradition.)

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