
Icon (N):


  • ai-kon

Word Meaning:

  • An icon can refer to a symbol, image, or representation that is widely recognized and represents a particular person, thing, or concept. It can also denote a religious image or idol, often considered sacred.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The company’s logo became an icon of innovation and quality.
  2. The religious icon in the temple was adorned with flowers and worshipped by the devotees.
  3. In pop culture, certain actors become icons, representing the epitome of style and charisma.


  1. Symbol
  2. Image
  3. Representation
  4. Emblem
  5. Figure


  1. Obscurity
  2. Unrecognizability
  3. Anonymity
  4. Unimportance
  5. Insignificance

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • प्रतीक (Prateek) or मूर्ति (Moorti)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कंपनी का लोगो नवाचार और गुणवत्ता का प्रतीक बन गया। (The company’s logo became an icon of innovation and quality.)
  2. मंदिर में धार्मिक प्रतीक को फूलों से सजाकर भक्तों ने पूजा। (The religious icon in the temple was adorned with flowers and worshipped by the devotees.)
  3. पॉप कल्चर में कुछ अभिनेता प्रतीक बन जाते हैं, जो शैली और करिश्मा की परम प्रतिष्ठा को प्रतिष्ठित करते हैं। (In pop culture, certain actors become icons, representing the epitome of style and charisma.)

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