
Word: Hurly-burly (N)

Noun (N):

  • Pronunciation: hur-lee bur-lee
  • Word Meaning:
    1. A noisy and disorderly situation; a commotion or uproar.
    2. A tumultuous or chaotic situation.

Uses in Sentence:

  • The political rally created a hurly-burly in the city center, with crowds shouting slogans.
  • The children’s playground was filled with the hurly-burly of excited laughter and games.
  • The sudden announcement caused a hurly-burly among the employees, each trying to understand the implications.


  • Commotion, uproar, tumult, chaos, disorder


  • Calm, quiet, order, serenity

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • Noun (Hurly-burly): हलचल (Halchal), कोलाहल (Kolahal), अफ़रतफ़री (Afratafri)

Word uses in Hindi:

  • Noun (Hurly-burly): राजनीतिक सभा ने शहर केंद्र में हलचल मचा दी, जहां भीड़ नारे लगा रही थी। (The political rally created a hurly-burly in the city center, with crowds shouting slogans.)
  • Noun (Playground): बच्चों का खेल क्षेत्र उत्साहित हंसी और खेलों की हलचल से भरा हुआ था। (The children’s playground was filled with the hurly-burly of excited laughter and games.)
  • Noun (Workplace): अचानक की घोषणा ने कर्मचारियों के बीच में हलचल पैदा की, प्रत्येक को इसके परिणामों को समझने की कोशिश कर रहा था। (The sudden announcement caused a hurly-burly among the employees, each trying to understand the implications.)

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