
Word: Haggard (Adj.)

Adjective (Adj.):

  • Pronunciation: HAG-erd
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Looking exhausted, gaunt, and worn out, often as a result of fatigue, stress, or illness.
    2. Having a wild or untamed appearance, usually used to describe the look of a person’s eyes.

Uses in Sentence:

  • After weeks of intense work and little sleep, she appeared haggard and in need of rest.
  • The explorer’s haggard face reflected the challenges and hardships he had faced during the expedition.
  • The old mansion had a haggard charm, with overgrown vines and a weathered exterior.


  • Worn, tired, gaunt, emaciated, exhausted


  • Fresh, energetic, vibrant, lively

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • Adjective (Haggard): थका हुआ (Thaka Hua), दुखित (Dukhit), बीमार (Bimar)

Word uses in Hindi:

  • Adjective (Exhausted Appearance): तंतु में तनाव और थोड़ी नींद के बाद, उसका चेहरा थका हुआ और विश्राम की आवश्यकता थी। (After weeks of intense work and little sleep, she appeared haggard and in need of rest.)
  • Adjective (Explorer’s Face): खोजी का थका हुआ चेहरा उन चुनौतियों और कठिनाइयों को दर्शाता था जो उसने अनुभव किए थे। (The explorer’s haggard face reflected the challenges and hardships he had faced during the expedition.)
  • Adjective (Old Mansion): पुराने आशियाने में एक थका हुआ सौंदर्य था, जिसमें अधिक बढ़ी हुई बेल और एक बर्बाद हुआ बाहरी हिस्सा शामिल था। (The old mansion had a haggard charm, with overgrown vines and a weathered exterior.)

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