
Grope (V)

  • Pronunciation: /ɡroʊp/
  • Word Meaning:
    • To feel about or search blindly or uncertainly with the hands.
    • To seek or examine clumsily or hesitantly, especially by feeling one’s way.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. In the darkness, she had to grope for the light switch.
    2. The detective began to grope around the crime scene for any evidence.
    3. He felt the need to grope for words when faced with an unexpected question.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Feel
    2. Probe
    3. Search
    4. Explore
    5. Scrabble
  • Antonyms:
    1. See
    2. Discern
    3. Observe
    4. Examine
    5. Perceive
  • Word Meaning in Hindi:
    • महसूस करना (Mahsoos Karna)
    • छूना (Chhoona)
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. अंधकार में, उसको बत्ती के स्विच के लिए हाथ मारना पड़ा। (In the darkness, she had to grope for the light switch.)
    2. जासूस ने क्राइम सीन में किसी भी सबूत के लिए अच्छाधन्य से छूना शुरू किया। (The detective began to grope around the crime scene for any evidence.)
    3. अप्रत्याशित सवाल का सामना करने पर, उसे शब्दों की खोज करने की आवश्यकता महसूस हुई। (He felt the need to grope for words when faced with an unexpected question.)

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