
Word: Gobble

Verb (V):

  • Pronunciation: gah-buhl
  • Word Meaning: To eat something quickly and eagerly, often making a sound while doing so; to grab or snatch something hastily.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    • The children will gobble up the candy if you leave it unattended.
    • She gobbled down her lunch and rushed back to work.
    • The bird gobbled up the seeds in the feeder.


  • Devour, scarf, guzzle, munch, wolf down


  • Savor, nibble, graze, eat slowly

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • Verb (To Gobble): भौंक लगाना (Bhaunk Lagana), गुलप करना (Gulp Karna), खाना (Khana)

Word uses in Hindi:

  • Verb (To Gobble): अगर तुम उसे सुरक्षित नहीं छोड़ोगे तो बच्चे वह मिठाई भौंक लगाएंगे। (The children will gobble up the candy if you leave it unattended.)
  • Verb (To Eat Quickly): उसने अपना लंच भौंक लगाकर खा लिया और फिर तेज़ी से काम पर वापस गई। (She gobbled down her lunch and rushed back to work.)

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