
Word: Gesture

Noun (N):

  • Pronunciation: jess-chur
  • Word Meaning: A movement or position of the hand, arm, body, face, or head that is expressive of an idea, emotion, or sentiment; a non-verbal communication or sign.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    • She made a friendly gesture by waving at her neighbor.
    • His gestures of frustration indicated that he was upset with the situation.
    • The speaker used a hand gesture to emphasize the key points of the presentation.


  • Sign, signal, motion, indication, expression


  • Stillness, immobility, inaction, indifference

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • Noun (Gesture): इशारा (Ishara), संकेत (Sanket), हस्तक्षेप (Hastakshap)

Word uses in Hindi:

  • Noun (Gesture): उसने अपने पड़ोसी को हाथ हिलाकर एक मित्रता भरा इशारा किया। (She made a friendly gesture by waving at her neighbor.)
  • Noun (Expressive Movement): उसके परेशान होने के संकेत ने इसका सुझाव दिया कि वह स्थिति से चिढ़ा हुआ था। (His gestures of frustration indicated that he was upset with the situation.)
  • Noun (Non-Verbal Communication): वक्ता ने प्रस्तुति के मुख्य बिंदुओं को जोरदार करने के लिए हाथ का इशारा किया। (The speaker used a hand gesture to emphasize the key points of the presentation.)

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