
Word: Germinate

Verb (V):

  • Pronunciation: jair-muh-neyt
  • Word Meaning: To begin to grow or develop, especially from a seed or spore; to sprout or start to put forth shoots.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    • The seeds germinated quickly after being planted in the fertile soil.
    • Proper sunlight and water are essential for the seeds to germinate successfully.
    • Ideas planted in fertile minds can germinate into significant innovations.


  • Sprout, shoot, bud, grow, develop


  • Wither, stagnate, die, decay

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • Verb (To Germinate): अंकुरित होना (Ankurit Hona), उगना (Ugna), पुनर्जीवित होना (Punarjeevit Hona)

Word uses in Hindi:

  • Verb (To Germinate): उपजाऊ मिट्टी में बोए गए बीज तेजी से अंकुरित हो गए। (The seeds germinated quickly after being planted in the fertile soil.)
  • Verb (To Sprout): सही सूरजकिरण और पानी बीजों के सफल अंकुरित होने के लिए आवश्यक हैं। (Proper sunlight and water are essential for the seeds to germinate successfully.)
  • Verb (To Develop): उगाए गए विचार शुष्क मस्तिष्कों में महत्वपूर्ण नवाचार में बदल सकते हैं। (Ideas planted in fertile minds can germinate into significant innovations.)

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