
Word: Gainsay

Verb (V):

  • Pronunciation: geyn-sey
  • Word Meaning:
    1. To deny, contradict, or speak against (something); to declare to be false or untrue.
    2. To oppose or dispute; to resist or challenge.

Uses in Sentence:

  • She did not gainsay the accusations but calmly presented her side of the story.
  • It is difficult to gainsay the scientific evidence supporting the theory.
  • He dared not gainsay his superior’s orders, even though he disagreed with them.


  • Contradict, deny, dispute, challenge, oppose


  • Agree, concede, affirm, accept, acknowledge

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • Verb (Gainsay): चुनौती देना (Chunauti Dena), खंडन करना (Khandan Karna), अस्वीकार करना (Asvikar Karna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  • Verb (Gainsay): उसने आरोपों का खंडन नहीं किया, बल्कि शांति से अपनी कहानी प्रस्तुत की। (She did not gainsay the accusations but calmly presented her side of the story.)
  • Verb (Contradict): इस सिद्धांत का समर्थन करने वाले वैज्ञानिक साक्षात्कार से खंडन करना कठिन है। (It is difficult to gainsay the scientific evidence supporting the theory.)
  • Verb (Challenge): उसने अपने उच्चाधिकारी के आदेशों का खंडन करने का साहस नहीं किया, हालांकि उससे असहमत था। (He dared not gainsay his superior’s orders, even though he disagreed with them.)

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