
Flicker (N, V):

  • Pronunciation: flick-er
  • Word Meaning:
    1. (Noun) A brief and small movement, often of light or flame, that appears and disappears rapidly.
    2. (Verb) To burn or shine unsteadily, producing a quick and irregular light.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. (Noun) The flicker of candles created a warm and cozy atmosphere in the room.
    2. (Verb) The fire began to flicker as the wind picked up.
  • Synonyms:
    • (Noun) Spark, Twinkle, Gleam, Flash, Glint
    • (Verb) Flutter, Waver, Quiver, Twinkle, Dance
  • Antonyms:
    • (Noun) Darkness, Dimness
    • (Verb) Steady, Blaze
  • Word Meaning in Hindi:
    • (Noun) झिलमिलाहट (Jhilmilahat) or चमक (Chamak)
    • (Verb) झिलमिलाना (Jhilmilana) or चमकना (Chamakna)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. (Noun) मोमबत्तियों की झिलमिलाहट ने कमरे में एक गरम और आदर्श वातावरण बनाया। (The flicker of candles created a warm and cozy atmosphere in the room.)
    2. (Verb) हवा बढ़ने पर आग झिलमिलाने लगी। (The fire began to flicker as the wind picked up.)

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