
Fecund (Adj.):

  • Pronunciation: fee-kund
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Capable of producing offspring, fruit, or vegetation in large quantities; fertile.
    2. Highly productive, creative, or intellectually fertile.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The soil in that region is exceptionally fecund and supports diverse plant life.
    2. Her fecund imagination led to the creation of many bestselling novels.
  • Synonyms:
    • Fertile
    • Productive
    • Prolific
    • Fruitful
    • Rich
  • Antonyms:
    • Barren
    • Sterile
    • Unproductive
    • Infertile
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: सुसंतत (Susantat) or उपजाऊ (Upjaau)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. उस क्षेत्र की मिट्टी अत्यंत सुसंतत है और विविध पौधों का समर्थन करती है। (The soil in that region is exceptionally fecund and supports diverse plant life.)
    2. उसकी उपजाऊ कल्पना ने कई बेस्टसेलिंग उपन्यासों की रचना की। (Her fecund imagination led to the creation of many bestselling novels.)

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