
Fateful (Adj.):

  • Pronunciation: fayt-ful
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Having significant or far-reaching consequences; decisive or momentous.
    2. Controlled by fate; destined to happen.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The fateful decision led to a chain of events that changed the course of history.
    2. Their fateful encounter on that day shaped the rest of their lives.
  • Synonyms:
    • Momentous
    • Decisive
    • Critical
    • Pivotal
    • Fated
  • Antonyms:
    • Insignificant
    • Trivial
    • Unimportant
    • Minor
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: किस्मतयक्त (Kismatyukt) or निर्धारित (Nirdharit)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. वह निर्धारक निर्णय एक घटना के सिरोंजम में बदले गए घटनाओं की एक श्रृंगार श्रृंगार की शुरुआत हुई। (The fateful decision led to a chain of events that changed the course of history.)
    2. उनकी निर्धारित मुलाकात उस दिन ने उनके जीवन के बाकी हिस्से को आकार दिया। (Their fateful encounter on that day shaped the rest of their lives.)

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