
Word: Exculpate (V)

Pronunciation: ek-skul-pate

Word Meaning: To clear from blame or guilt; to prove someone’s innocence; to exonerate.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The new evidence helped exculpate the wrongly accused individual.
  2. The defense attorney worked diligently to exculpate his client from the charges.


  1. absolve
  2. vindicate
  3. acquit
  4. exonerate
  5. clear


  1. accuse
  2. blame
  3. incriminate
  4. convict
  5. implicate

Word Meaning in Hindi: दोषमुक्त करना (Doshmukt Karna), बरी करना (Bari Karna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. नए साक्षात्कार ने गलत तरीके से आरोपित व्यक्ति को दोषमुक्त करने में मदद की। (The new evidence helped exculpate the wrongly accused individual.)
  2. बरी करने के लिए रक्षा वकील ने अपने म clients को पूर्ण करने के लिए कठिन प्रयास किया। (The defense attorney worked diligently to exculpate his client from the charges.)
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