
Word: Evident (Adj.)

Pronunciation: ev-i-dent

Word Meaning: Clear, obvious, and easily perceived; something that is clearly visible or apparent.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The success of the project was evident from the positive feedback received.
  2. The damage to the car was evident, with scratches and dents on the exterior.


  1. clear
  2. obvious
  3. apparent
  4. manifest
  5. noticeable


  1. obscure
  2. hidden
  3. ambiguous
  4. unclear
  5. concealed

Word Meaning in Hindi: स्पष्ट (Spasht), प्रत्यक्ष (Pratyaksha), सुस्पष्ट (Susphasta)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. परियोजना की सफलता को प्राप्त पॉजिटिव प्रतिक्रिया से स्पष्ट था। (The success of the project was evident from the positive feedback received.)
  2. गाड़ी की हानि स्पष्ट थी, जिसमें बाहरी सतह पर खरोंच और घायल थीं। (The damage to the car was evident, with scratches and dents on the exterior.)
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