
Word: Evanescent (Adj.)

Pronunciation: ih-vuh-nes-uhnt

Word Meaning:

  1. Tending to vanish or fade away quickly; transient, fleeting, or ephemeral.
  2. Brief and momentary, often referring to something with a short-lived existence.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The beauty of the sunset was evanescent, lasting only a few minutes before the sun disappeared below the horizon.
  2. The artist captured the evanescent emotions in his paintings, reflecting the fleeting nature of human experiences.


  1. transient
  2. fleeting
  3. ephemeral
  4. momentary
  5. brief


  1. enduring
  2. permanent
  3. lasting
  4. persistent
  5. perpetual

Word Meaning in Hindi: क्षणिक (Kshanik), क्षणभंगुर (Kshanbhangur), अल्पकालिक (Alpakalik)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. सूर्यास्त की सुंदरता क्षणिक थी, सूरज हॉराइज़न के नीचे गायब होने से पहले कुछ मिनटों के लिए ही रही। (The beauty of the sunset was evanescent, lasting only a few minutes before the sun disappeared below the horizon.)
  2. कलाकार ने अपनी चित्रकला में क्षणिक भावनाएं कैद की, मानव अनुभवों की फुटील प्रकृति को दर्शाते हुए। (The artist captured the evanescent emotions in his paintings, reflecting the fleeting nature of human experiences.)
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