
Word: Erupt (V)

Pronunciation: ih-rupt

Word Meaning:

  1. To burst out suddenly and violently, especially in the case of a volcano or other geological phenomenon.
  2. To break out or flare up, often referring to a sudden occurrence of conflict or emotion.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The volcano is expected to erupt at any moment, and residents have been evacuated.
  2. Tempers erupted in the meeting when the controversial topic was discussed.


  1. explode
  2. burst
  3. flare up
  4. break out
  5. discharge


  1. calm
  2. subside
  3. suppress
  4. quell
  5. extinguish

Word Meaning in Hindi: फट पड़ना (Fat Parna), उत्कीर्ण होना (Utkirna Hona), प्रकट होना (Prakat Hona)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. यह ज्वालामुखी किसी भी क्षण फट पड़ने का आशंका है, और निवासी निकाले जा रहे हैं। (The volcano is expected to erupt at any moment, and residents have been evacuated.)
  2. बहसगार विषय पर चर्चा के दौरान जब उम्मीद थी, तो उसमें उत्कीर्ण हो गई थीं। (Tempers erupted in the meeting when the controversial topic was discussed.)
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