
Efface (V):

  • Pronunciation: ih-feys
  • Word Meaning:
    1. To erase, wipe out, or eliminate something by rubbing or scraping.
    2. To make oneself inconspicuous or humble.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. She tried to efface the pencil marks from the paper.
    2. In the presence of her seniors, she tended to efface herself and avoid drawing attention.
  • Synonyms:
    • Erase
    • Delete
    • Expunge
    • Obliterate
    • Remove
  • Antonyms:
    • Preserve
    • Highlight
    • Accentuate
    • Promote
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: मिटा देना (Mita Dena) or धूप मिटाना (Dhoop Mitana)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. उसने कागज़ से पेंसिल के निशानों को मिटाने की कोशिश की। (She tried to efface the pencil marks from the paper.)
    2. अपने उच्चाधिकारियों के सामने, उसने खुद को मिटाने का प्रयास किया और ध्यान खींचने से बचा। (In the presence of her seniors, she tended to efface herself and avoid drawing attention.)

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