
Drag (Noun, Verb):

  • Pronunciation: drag
  • Word Meaning (Noun):
    1. Resistance or friction: The action of pulling something forcefully through a liquid or gas, creating resistance.
    2. Long, flowing clothing: A type of clothing that touches the ground and may impede movement.
    3. Dull or boring situation: A tedious or uninspiring event or circumstance.
  • Word Meaning (Verb):
    1. Pulling with force: To pull something with effort, often implying difficulty or resistance.
    2. Moving slowly or reluctantly: To move something or oneself in a slow, laborious manner.
    3. Extending an event: To prolong or extend the duration of an activity or situation.
  • Uses in Sentence (Noun):
    1. The boat struggled against the drag of the heavy anchor.
    2. She wore a beautiful gown with a long drag that swept the floor.
    3. The meeting turned into a drag with lengthy discussions on trivial matters.
  • Uses in Sentence (Verb):
    1. He had to drag the suitcase up the stairs because it was too heavy.
    2. The car’s damaged bumper was dragging on the road.
    3. They decided to drag the project over the weekend to complete it on time.
  • Synonyms (Noun):
    1. Resistance
    2. Friction
    3. Pull
    4. Haul
    5. Tug
  • Synonyms (Verb):
    1. Pull
    2. Haul
    3. Tow
    4. Tug
    5. Carry
  • Antonyms (Noun and Verb):
    1. Glide
    2. Ease
    3. Smooth
    4. Effortless
    5. Accelerate
  • Word Meaning in Hindi:
    1. Noun: खींचाव (Kheenchav), विरोध (Virodh)
    2. Verb: खींचना (Kheenchana), लास्त करना (Last Karna)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. Noun:
      • नौका ठहरी हुई जंग दार एंकर के खींचाव के खिलाफ संघर्ष कर रही थी। (The boat struggled against the drag of the heavy anchor.)
      • उसने एक सुंदर गाउन पहना था जिसमें एक लम्बा खींचाव था जो ज़मीन को छूता था। (She wore a beautiful gown with a long drag that swept the floor.)
      • बैठक एक उबाऊ मामले पर लंबी चर्चा के साथ एक उबाऊ हो गई थी। (The meeting turned into a drag with lengthy discussions on trivial matters.)
    2. Verb:
      • उसको वह झोला सीढ़ियों पर खींचना पड़ा क्योंकि यह बहुत भारी था। (He had to drag the suitcase up the stairs because it was too heavy.)
      • गाड़ी का क्षतिग्रस्त बम्पर सड़क पर खींच रहा था। (The car’s damaged bumper was dragging on the road.)
      • उन्होंने परियोजना को समय पर पूरा करने के लिए सप्ताहांत में खींचने का निर्णय लिया। (They decided to drag the project over the weekend to complete it on time.)
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