
Disdain (Noun and Verb):

Pronunciation: /dɪsˈdeɪn/

Word Meaning:

  1. Noun: Disdain as a noun refers to the feeling or expression of contempt or scorn. It involves the belief that someone or something is unworthy of consideration or respect.
  2. Verb: As a verb, disdain means to regard or treat with haughty contempt or scorn.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Noun:
    • The aristocrat’s disdain for the commoners was evident in his dismissive gestures.
    • She looked at the proposal with disdain, considering it beneath her standards.
  2. Verb:
    • He disdained the idea of working in a mundane office job and pursued his passion instead.
    • The critic disdained the artist’s work, claiming it lacked artistic depth.


  1. Noun:
    • Contempt
    • Scorn
    • Derision
    • Disrespect
    • Contumely
  2. Verb:
    • Despise
    • Scorn
    • Reject
    • Disparage
    • Disregard


  1. Noun:
    • Admiration
    • Respect
    • Esteem
    • Regard
  2. Verb:
    • Admire
    • Respect
    • Value
    • Honor

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  1. Noun: अत्यंत निन्दा (Atyant Ninda) or अवहेलना (Avahelana)
  2. Verb: तिरस्कार करना (Tiraskaar Karna) or अहित करना (Ahit Karna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. Noun:
    • सामंत की सामान्य जनता के प्रति उसकी अत्यंत निन्दा उसके ताक़़ती होश थे। (The aristocrat’s disdain for the commoners was evident in his dismissive gestures.)
    • उसने प्रस्ताव को अपने मानकों से कम मानकों के रूप में देखकर ताक़दीर के साथ उसकी अत्यंत निन्दा की। (She looked at the proposal with disdain, considering it beneath her standards.)
  2. Verb:
    • उसने एक साधारिता कार्यालय नौकरी में काम करने के विचार को तिरस्कार किया और इसके बजाय अपने शौक का पीछा किया। (He disdained the idea of working in a mundane office job and pursued his passion instead.)
    • समीक्षक ने कलाकार के काम की तिरस्कार की और इसे कला सागर में गहराई की कमी के साथ बताया। (The critic disdained the artist’s work, claiming it lacked artistic depth.)
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