
Disconsolate (Adjective):

  • Pronunciation: /dɪsˈkɒnsəlɪt/
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Extremely sad or dejected; unable to be comforted.
    2. Unhappy or cheerless, often due to a sense of loneliness or loss.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. After the loss, she was disconsolate and couldn’t find solace.
    2. The abandoned puppy looked disconsolate in the cold rain.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Dejected
    2. Crestfallen
    3. Mournful
    4. Dismal
    5. Melancholy
  • Antonyms:
    1. Cheerful
    2. Content
    3. Happy
    4. Elated
    5. Joyful
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: Hindi Translation: उदास (Udas) / निराश (Nirash)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. हानि के बाद, वह उदास थी और संतुष्टि नहीं पा सकती थी। (After the loss, she was disconsolate and couldn’t find solace.)
    2. त्यागा गया कुत्ता ठंडी बारिश में निराश दिख रहा था। (The abandoned puppy looked disconsolate in the cold rain.)
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