
Detrimental (Adjective)

  • Pronunciation: \ˌde-trə-ˈmen-tᵊl\
  • Word Meaning:
    • Causing harm, damage, or injury; having a harmful effect.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. Smoking is known to have detrimental effects on one’s health.
    2. The use of certain chemicals in agriculture can be detrimental to the environment.
  • Synonyms:
    • Harmful
    • Damaging
    • Adverse
    • Injurious
    • Deleterious
  • Antonyms:
    • Beneficial
    • Advantageous
    • Positive
    • Helpful
    • Salutary
  • Word Meaning in Hindi:
    • हानिकारक (Hanikarak)
    • नुक़सानदेह (Nuksan-deh)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. सिगरेट पीने से व्यक्ति के स्वास्थ्य पर हानिकारक प्रभाव पड़ते हैं। (Smoking is known to have detrimental effects on one’s health.)
    2. कृषि में कुछ रासायनिकों का उपयोग पर्यावरण के लिए हानिकारक हो सकता है। (The use of certain chemicals in agriculture can be detrimental to the environment.)
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