
Despondent (Adjective):

Pronunciation: \di-ˈspän-dənt\

Word Meaning: Despondent describes a state of extreme discouragement, hopelessness, or despair. It conveys a feeling of being downhearted, disheartened, and lacking in enthusiasm or optimism.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. After facing continuous failures, she became despondent about her career prospects.
  2. The team was despondent after losing the championship game in a heartbreaking manner.
  3. The news of the economic downturn left many people feeling despondent about their financial future.


  1. Dejected
  2. Disheartened
  3. Dismal
  4. Crestfallen
  5. Melancholy


  1. Hopeful
  2. Optimistic
  3. Cheerful
  4. Upbeat
  5. Content

Word Meaning in Hindi: In Hindi, the word “निराश” (Nirash)” can be used to convey the meaning of “despondent.” It reflects a sense of disappointment or disillusionment.

Word Uses in Hindi:

  1. लगातार असफलता का सामना करने के बाद, उसने अपने करियर की संभावनाओं के बारे में निराश हो गई। (After facing continuous failures, she became despondent about her career prospects.)
  2. टीम ने चैम्पियनशिप खेल को हारने के बाद एक दिल दुखाने तरीके से निराश हो गई थी। (The team was despondent after losing the championship game in a heartbreaking manner.)
  3. आर्थिक मंदी की खबर ने कई लोगों को उनके आर्थिक भविष्य के बारे में निराश कर दिया। (The news of the economic downturn left many people feeling despondent about their financial future.)
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