
Derogatory (Adj.)

Pronunciation: dih-rog-uh-tawr-ee

Word Meaning: Tending to lessen the reputation of a person or thing; expressing a low opinion; disrespectful or belittling.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The employee filed a complaint about the derogatory remarks made by a colleague.
  2. Using derogatory language is not acceptable in a professional environment.
  3. The comedian’s jokes were criticized for being derogatory towards a particular community.


  1. Disparaging
  2. Demeaning
  3. Insulting
  4. Contemptuous
  5. Offensive


  1. Complimentary
  2. Respectful
  3. Laudatory
  4. Praiseful
  5. Flattering

Word Meaning in Hindi: अपमानजनक (Apamaanjank), अपशब्द (Apashabd), नीच

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कर्मचारी ने एक सहकर्मी द्वारा किए गए अपमानजनक टिप्पणियों के खिलाफ शिकायत दर्ज की। (The employee filed a complaint about the derogatory remarks made by a colleague.)
  2. पेशेवर वातावरण में अपमानजनक भाषा का उपयोग स्वीकार्य नहीं है। (Using derogatory language is not acceptable in a professional environment.)
  3. मजाकिया नाटकार की जोक्स को एक विशेष समुदाय के प्रति अपमानजनक माना गया। (The comedian’s jokes were criticized for being derogatory towards a particular community.)
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