
Delirious (Adj.)

Pronunciation: dih-leer-ee-us

Word Meaning:

  1. In a state of extreme mental confusion or excitement, often accompanied by hallucinations or incoherent speech.
  2. Wildly excited, especially with joy or enthusiasm.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The patient was delirious with fever and couldn’t recognize anyone.
  2. The fans became delirious with joy when their team won the championship.
  3. The illness left her delirious, and her words were a jumble of disconnected thoughts.


  1. Confused
  2. Incoherent
  3. Unbalanced
  4. Raving
  5. Ecstatic


  1. Calm
  2. Composed
  3. Rational
  4. Sober
  5. Clear-headed

Word Meaning in Hindi: विक्षिप्त (Vikshipt), उत्साहित (Utsahit), भ्रमित (Bhramit)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. रोगी बुखार के साथ विक्षिप्त था और किसी को पहचान नहीं सकता था। (The patient was delirious with fever and couldn’t recognize anyone.)
  2. जब उनकी टीम ने चैम्पियनशिप जीती, तो उनके प्रशंसक उत्साहित हो गए। (The fans became delirious with joy when their team won the championship.)
  3. बीमारी ने उसे विक्षिप्त बना दिया था, और उसके शब्द अलग-अलग विचारों का एक बहुतंत्र थे। (The illness left her delirious, and her words were a jumble of disconnected thoughts.)
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