
Deify (V)

Pronunciation: dee-uh-fahy

Word Meaning: To treat someone or something as a god, or to worship or regard with extreme admiration and reverence.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The ancient civilizations often deified natural elements like the sun and the moon.
  2. Some fans tend to deify their favorite celebrities, seeing them as beyond ordinary human qualities.
  3. The leader’s charisma and influence led people to deify him, attributing almost divine qualities to his leadership.


  1. Idolize
  2. Worship
  3. Adulate
  4. Venerate
  5. Exalt


  1. Despise
  2. Disregard
  3. Disparage
  4. Belittle
  5. Denigrate

Word Meaning in Hindi: देवता बनाना (Devta Banana), पूजा करना (Pooja Karna), भगवान मानना (Bhagwan Maanna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. प्राचीन सभ्यताएँ अक्सर सूरज और चंद्रमा जैसे प्राकृतिक तत्वों को देवता बनाती थीं। (The ancient civilizations often deified natural elements like the sun and the moon.)
  2. कुछ प्रशंसक अपने पसंदीदा प्रसिद्धियों को देवता बना लेते हैं, उन्हें सामान्य मानव गुणों से परे देखते हैं। (Some fans tend to deify their favorite celebrities, seeing them as beyond ordinary human qualities.)
  3. नेता के करिश्मा और प्रभाव ने लोगों को उसे देवता बनाने पर ले आया, उसके नेतृत्व को दिव्य गुणों के साथ जोड़ते हुए। (The leader’s charisma and influence led people to deify him, attributing almost divine qualities to his leadership.)
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