
Debase (V)

  • Pronunciation: dih-BEYS
  • Word Meaning: To debase means to reduce the quality, value, or dignity of something, making it lower or less respectable. It can refer to the act of degrading or corrupting the inherent worth of something.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The forgeries served to debase the reputation of the art gallery.
    2. The politician’s scandalous behavior threatened to debase his public image.
    3. Diluting the precious metal with inferior materials would debase the currency.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Degrade
    2. Cheapen
    3. Demean
    4. Corrupt
    5. Lower
  • Antonyms:
    1. Elevate
    2. Enhance
    3. Improve
    4. Enrich
    5. Upgrade
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: गिराना, मूल्य कम करना, नीचा दिखाना।
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. नकली कला के साथ, चोरी की कला ने कला गैलरी की प्रतिष्ठा को गिराने का कारण बनाया। (The forgeries served to debase the reputation of the art gallery.)
    2. राजनीतिज्ञ के अवश्यक व्यवहार ने उसकी सार्वजनिक छवि को गिराने के खतरे को बढ़ा दिया। (The politician’s scandalous behavior threatened to debase his public image.)
    3. कीमती धातु को अधोगति या कमजोर सामग्रियों के साथ मिलाने से मुद्रा को कमजोर कर देना होगा। (Diluting the precious metal with inferior materials would debase the currency.)
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