
Dainty (Adj.)

  • Pronunciation: DAYN-tee
  • Word Meaning: “Dainty” is used to describe something delicately small, pretty, and elegant. It often implies a certain delicacy or precision, especially in relation to food or objects.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The bakery displayed a selection of dainty pastries and cakes.
    2. She wore a dainty necklace that complemented her elegant dress.
    3. The room was adorned with dainty floral arrangements for the event.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Delicate
    2. Elegant
    3. Petite
    4. Charming
    5. Exquisite
  • Antonyms:
    1. Coarse
    2. Bulky
    3. Clumsy
    4. Unrefined
    5. Gaudy
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: सुकुमार, सूक्ष्म, लालित्यपूर्ण।
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. बेकरी ने सुकुमार पेस्ट्री और केक का चयन प्रदर्शित किया। (The bakery displayed a selection of dainty pastries and cakes.)
    2. उसने एक सुकुमार हार पहनी जो उसके शानदार पोशाक को पूरकरती थी। (She wore a dainty necklace that complemented her elegant dress.)
    3. घड़ी आयोजन के लिए कक्ष को सुकुमार फूलों से सजाया गया था। (The room was adorned with dainty floral arrangements for the event.)
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