
Copious (Adj.)

  • Pronunciation: KOH-pee-uhs
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Abundant in quantity; plentiful.
    2. Producing a large quantity of something.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The author provided copious examples to support his argument.
    2. After the rainfall, there was a copious amount of water in the reservoir.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Abundant
    2. Ample
    3. Profuse
    4. Overflowing
    5. Generous
  • Antonyms:
    1. Scant
    2. Sparse
    3. Meager
    4. Insufficient
    5. Limited
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रचुर (Prachur), बहुत (Bahut)
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. लेखक ने अपने तर्क को समर्थन करने के लिए प्रचुर उदाहरण प्रदान किए। (The author provided copious examples to support his argument.)
    2. बारिश के बाद, सागर में प्रचुर मात्रा में पानी था। (After the rainfall, there was a copious amount of water in the reservoir.)
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