
Compere (N, V)

  • Pronunciation: kuhm-PAIR (Noun), kuhm-PAIR (Verb)
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Noun:
      • A person who introduces and hosts a television or radio program, event, or show; also known as a host or master of ceremonies (MC).
    2. Verb:
      • To act as a compere; to host or introduce a program or event.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. Noun:
      • The compere kept the audience engaged with humor and anecdotes.
    2. Verb:
      • She was asked to compere the charity event due to her experience in public speaking.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Noun:
      • Host
      • Master of Ceremonies (MC)
      • Presenter
      • Announcer
    2. Verb:
      • Host
      • Present
      • Introduce
      • Conduct
  • Antonyms:
    1. Noun:
      • Guest
    2. Verb:
      • Attend
      • Participate
  • Word Meaning in Hindi:
    • Noun: संचालक (Sanchalak), मेस्तर (Master)
    • Verb: संचालन करना (Sanchalan Karna), मेस्त्री करना (Mestri Karna)
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. Noun:
      • संचालक ने हास्य और किस्सों के साथ दर्शकों को रोज़ीदार रखा। (The compere kept the audience engaged with humor and anecdotes.)
    2. Verb:
      • उससे कहा गया कि वह अपने सार्वजनिक बोलने के अनुभव के कारण अनुष्ठान का संचालन करे। (She was asked to compere the charity event due to her experience in public speaking.)
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