
Cognizance (N):

  • Pronunciation: kog-nuh-zuhns
  • Word Meaning: Cognizance, as a noun, refers to the awareness, knowledge, or understanding of something. It can also refer to the legal or official acknowledgment or recognition of a matter by a court or authority.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The government should take cognizance of the increasing crime rates.
    2. The court will take cognizance of the case once the formal complaint is filed.
    3. Students should take cognizance of the importance of academic honesty.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Awareness
    2. Recognition
    3. Knowledge
    4. Understanding
    5. Attention
  • Antonyms:
    1. Ignorance
    2. Unawareness
    3. Neglect
    4. Disregard
    5. Inattention
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: जानकारी (Jankari) or सचेती (Sacheti)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. सरकार को बढ़ते अपराध दरों का सचेती से निपटना चाहिए। (The government should take cognizance of the increasing crime rates.)
    2. न्यायालय उचित शिकायत दर्ज होने पर मामले का सचेती लेगा। (The court will take cognizance of the case once the formal complaint is filed.)
    3. छात्रों को अकादमिक ईमानदारी के महत्व का सचेती होना चाहिए। (Students should take cognizance of the importance of academic honesty.)
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