
Clemency (N):

  • Pronunciation: kleh-muhn-see
  • Word Meaning: Clemency is a noun that refers to the act of showing mercy, leniency, or forgiveness, especially by a person in authority. It is the quality of being compassionate and lenient, often towards someone who has committed an offense.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The governor granted clemency to the prisoners, reducing their sentences.
    2. The plea for clemency was considered by the judge during the sentencing.
    3. Acts of clemency can contribute to the rehabilitation of offenders.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Mercy
    2. Leniency
    3. Forgiveness
    4. Compassion
    5. Pardon
  • Antonyms:
    1. Severity
    2. Harshness
    3. Rigor
    4. Strictness
    5. Punishment
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: क्षमा (Kshama) or दया (Daya)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. राज्यपाल ने कैदियों को क्षमा दी, उनकी सजा को कम करते हुए। (The governor granted clemency to the prisoners, reducing their sentences.)
    2. क्षमा के लिए अपील को सजा के दौरान न्यायाधीश द्वारा विचार किया गया। (The plea for clemency was considered by the judge during the sentencing.)
    3. क्षमा के कृत्य अपराधियों के पुनर्निर्माण में योगदान कर सकते हैं। (Acts of clemency can contribute to the rehabilitation of offenders.)
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