
Citadel (N) – Fortification:

Pronunciation: sit-uh-del

Word Meaning:

  1. Citadel (N):
    • A fortress, typically on high ground, that is designed to protect a city or stronghold.
    • A stronghold or center of control.
  2. Fortification (N):
    • The act or process of strengthening or reinforcing a place with defensive works, such as walls, trenches, or military structures.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Citadel (N):
    • The ancient city had a citadel overlooking its walls for added protection.
    • The king resided in the citadel, surrounded by guards and high walls.
  2. Fortification (N):
    • The fortification of the border aimed to prevent unauthorized entry.
    • The military engineer planned the fortification of the strategic location.


  1. Citadel (N):
    • Fortress
    • Stronghold
    • Bastion
    • Keep
    • Castle
  2. Fortification (N):
    • Defense
    • Reinforcement
    • Security
    • Barricade
    • Bulwark


  1. Citadel (N):
    • Weakness
    • Vulnerability
    • Exposed position
  2. Fortification (N):
    • Vulnerability
    • Weakness
    • Unfortified

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  1. Citadel (N):
    • “दुर्ग” (Durg) or “किला” (Kila)
  2. Fortification (N):
    • “किलाबंदी” (Kilabandi) or “सुरक्षा” (Suraksha)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. Citadel (N):
    • प्राचीन शहर में दीवारों को देखभाल के लिए एक किला था। (The ancient city had a citadel overlooking its walls for added protection.)
    • राजा ने किले में वास किया, जिसमें सुरक्षा कर्मियों और ऊची दीवारों से घिरा हुआ था। (The king resided in the citadel, surrounded by guards and high walls.)
  2. Fortification (N):
    • सीमा की किलाबंदी का लक्ष्य अनधिकृत प्रवेश को रोकना था। (The fortification of the border aimed to prevent unauthorized entry.)
    • सैन्य इंजीनियर ने रणनीतिक स्थान की किलाबंदी की योजना बनाई। (The military engineer planned the fortification of the strategic location.)
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