
Circumcise (V):

  • Pronunciation: sur-kuhm-sahyz
  • Word Meaning: Circumcise, as a verb, refers to the surgical removal of the foreskin that covers the head of the penis. It is a religious or cultural practice in some communities and is also performed for medical reasons.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. In some cultures, male infants are circumcised as a religious tradition.
    2. The doctor recommended circumcising the patient to address recurring health issues.
    3. The religious ceremony included the ritual of circumcising young boys.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Remove foreskin
    2. Excise
    3. Cut
    4. Surgically alter
  • Antonyms:
    1. Preserve
    2. Keep intact
    3. Leave untouched
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: खतना करना (Khatna Karna)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. कुछ सांस्कृतिकों में, धार्मिक परंपरा के रूप में छोटे शिशुओं का खतना किया जाता है। (In some cultures, male infants are circumcised as a religious tradition.)
    2. डॉक्टर ने मरीज को बार-बार होने वाली स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का समाधान के लिए खतना करने की सिफारिश की। (The doctor recommended circumcising the patient to address recurring health issues.)
    3. धार्मिक समारोह में युवा लड़कों का खतना करने का रीति-रिवाज शामिल था। (The religious ceremony included the ritual of circumcising young boys.)
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