
Chicanery (N)

  • Pronunciation: shi-key-nuh-ree
  • Word Meaning: Chicanery refers to the use of trickery, deception, or dishonest methods to achieve a desired result. It involves the use of clever but misleading or unethical tactics to achieve one’s goals, often in a deceitful or manipulative manner.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The businessman’s success was tarnished by accusations of financial chicanery.
    2. The political candidate was exposed for engaging in chicanery to manipulate public opinion.
    3. Uncovering the chicanery in the contract negotiations revealed a breach of trust.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Deception
    2. Fraud
    3. Trickery
    4. Subterfuge
    5. Manipulation
  • Antonyms:
    1. Honesty
    2. Transparency
    3. Integrity
    4. Fairness
    5. Truthfulness
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: धूर्तता (Dhurtata) or छल (Chhal)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. व्यापारी की सफलता को वित्तीय धूर्तता के आरोपों ने कलंकित किया। (The businessman’s success was tarnished by accusations of financial chicanery.)
    2. राजनीतिक उम्मीदवार को जनसाधारण की राय को मानिपुरी करने के लिए छल करने में पकड़ा गया। (The political candidate was exposed for engaging in chicanery to manipulate public opinion.)
    3. समझौते की बातचीतों में छल का पता लगाने से भरोसे की उल्लंघन सामने आया। (Uncovering the chicanery in the contract negotiations revealed a breach of trust.)
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