
Chastity (N):

  • Pronunciation: chas-ti-tee
  • Word Meaning: Chastity refers to the state or quality of being chaste, which includes abstinence from sexual relations outside of marriage, moral purity, and the avoidance of any behaviors or thoughts considered impure.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. Her commitment to chastity was evident in her refusal to engage in premarital relationships.
    2. The religious order emphasized the importance of chastity as part of their spiritual discipline.
    3. In some cultures, the concept of chastity is highly valued as a virtue.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Purity
    2. Virtue
    3. Abstinence
    4. Innocence
    5. Modesty
  • Antonyms:
    1. Promiscuity
    2. Impurity
    3. Licentiousness
    4. Immorality
    5. Indecency
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: ब्रह्मचर्य (Brahmacharya) or पवित्रता (Pavitrata)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. उसकी पवित्रता की प्रतिबद्धता ने उसे पूर्वविवाहित संबंधों में शामिल नहीं होने का प्रमाणित किया। (Her commitment to chastity was evident in her refusal to engage in premarital relationships.)
    2. धार्मिक संघ ने अपने आध्यात्मिक अनुशासन के हिस्से के रूप में पवित्रता के महत्व को बढ़ावा दिया। (The religious order emphasized the importance of chastity as part of their spiritual discipline.)
    3. कुछ सांस्कृतिकों में, पवित्रता का अवधान एक गुण के रूप में उच्च मूल्य रखा जाता है। (In some cultures, the concept of chastity is highly valued as a virtue.)
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