
Chaste (Adj.):

  • Pronunciation: chayst
  • Word Meaning: Chaste, as an adjective, has several related meanings:
    1. Abstaining from extramarital, or any, sexual intercourse; celibate.
    2. Morally pure, modest, and free from obscenity.
    3. Simple and not ornate; plain in style.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The monk lived a chaste life, free from worldly desires.
    2. Her dress was elegant and chaste, reflecting her modesty.
    3. The author’s chaste writing style appealed to those who appreciated simplicity.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Pure
    2. Modest
    3. Virtuous
    4. Simple
    5. Innocent
  • Antonyms:
    1. Impure
    2. Promiscuous
    3. Indecent
    4. Elaborate
    5. Ornate
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: शुद्ध (Shuddh)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. संन्यासी ने लोकार्थ से मुक्त एक शुद्ध जीवन जीता। (The monk lived a chaste life, free from worldly desires.)
    2. उसकी पहनावा शानदार और शुद्ध थी, जो उसकी मासूमियत को दर्शाती थी। (Her dress was elegant and chaste, reflecting her modesty.)
    3. लेखक की शुद्ध लेखन शैली उन लोगों को प्रभावित करती थी जो सरलता की कद्र करते थे। (The author’s chaste writing style appealed to those who appreciated simplicity.)
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