
Charlatan (N):

  • Pronunciation: shar-luh-tuhn
  • Word Meaning: A charlatan is a person who falsely claims to have special skills or knowledge in a particular field, especially in medicine, and uses deceptive practices to gain money or fame. It refers to someone who is a fraud or impostor.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The self-proclaimed psychic turned out to be nothing more than a charlatan.
    2. He was exposed as a charlatan when his so-called miracle cure was proven ineffective.
    3. Beware of charlatans who promise quick riches through dubious schemes.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Fraud
    2. Impostor
    3. Quack
    4. Swindler
    5. Deceiver
  • Antonyms:
    1. Expert
    2. Genuine
    3. Professional
    4. Authentic
    5. Legitimate
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: दगाबाज़ (Dagabaj)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. स्वयं को मनोविद्या का अद्भुत ज्ञानी बताने वाला यह व्यक्ति खुद को एक दगाबाज़ साबित कर गया। (The self-proclaimed psychic turned out to be nothing more than a charlatan.)
    2. उसकी तारीफ की जाने वाली चमत्कारी इलाज को साबित करने पर वह एक दगाबाज़ के रूप में प्रकट हुआ। (He was exposed as a charlatan when his so-called miracle cure was proven ineffective.)
    3. उन दगाबाज़ों से सतर्क रहें जो अनैतिक योजनाओं के माध्यम से तेज़ी से धन का वादा करते हैं। (Beware of charlatans who promise quick riches through dubious schemes.)
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