

Word: Evoke (V) Pronunciation: ih-vohk Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उत्तेजना (Uttejana), संबोधित करना […]

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Word: Evolve (V) Pronunciation: ih-volv Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: विकसित होना (Viksit Hona),

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Word: Exalt (V) Pronunciation: ig-zawlt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उच्च स्थान पर उठाना

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Word: Exacerbate (V) Pronunciation: ig-zas-er-bayt Word Meaning: To make a situation, problem, or feeling more intense, severe, or worse; to

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Word: Exasperate (V) Pronunciation: ig-zas-puh-rayt Word Meaning: To irritate or provoke someone intensely; to cause irritation, annoyance, or frustration. Uses

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Word: Excel (V) Pronunciation: ik-sel Word Meaning: To surpass or be exceptionally good at something; to stand out or exceed

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Word: Excerpt (N) Pronunciation: ek-surpt Word Meaning: A small part or passage taken from a text, speech, or piece of

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Word: Exchequer (N) Pronunciation: eks-chek-er Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: राजकोष (Rajkosha), खज़ाना (Khazana)

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Word: Excoriate (V) Pronunciation: ik-skohr-ee-eyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: तीखे शब्दों में आलोचना

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Word: Excruciating (Adj.) Pronunciation: ik-skroo-shee-ey-ting Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: बहुत दर्दनाक (Bahut Dardnaak),

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Word: Exculpate (V) Pronunciation: ek-skul-pate Word Meaning: To clear from blame or guilt; to prove someone’s innocence; to exonerate. Uses

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Word: Excursion (N) Pronunciation: ik-skur-zhun Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Word: Execrable (Adj.) Pronunciation: eks-i-kruh-buhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: निन्दनीय (Nindaniya), घिनौना (Ghinauna),

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Word: Execution (N) Pronunciation: eks-i-KYOO-shun Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Word: Exert (V) Pronunciation: ig-zurt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रयत्न करना (Prayatn Karna),

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Word: Exhaustive (Adj.) Pronunciation: ig-zaw-stiv Word Meaning: Covering all elements or aspects; thorough and comprehensive; leaving out nothing; all-encompassing. Uses

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Word: Exhilarate (V) Pronunciation: ig-zil-uh-reyt Word Meaning: To make (someone) feel very happy, animated, or elated; to fill with high

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Word: Exhort (V) Pronunciation: ig-zawrt Word Meaning: To strongly encourage or urge someone to do something, often by giving advice,

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Word: Exigency (N) Pronunciation: ek-si-juhn-see Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: तात्कालिक आवश्यकता (Taatkalik Avashyakta),

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Word: Existential (Adj.) Pronunciation: eg-zi-sten-shuhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अस्तित्ववादी (Astittvavadi), भूतकालीन (Bhootkalini)

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Word: Exodus (N) Pronunciation: ek-suh-duhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रस्थान (Prasthan), निर्गमन (Nirgaman)

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Ex officio

Word: Ex officio (Adj./Adv.) Pronunciation: eks uh-FISH-ee-oh Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: पद के

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Word: Exonerate (V) Pronunciation: ig-zon-uh-reyt Word Meaning: To officially absolve someone from blame, responsibility, or wrongdoing; to clear from accusation

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Word: Exorbitant (Adj.) Pronunciation: ik-sawr-bi-tnt Word Meaning: Exceeding the bounds of custom, propriety, or reason, especially in terms of price

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Word: Expedient (Adj.) Pronunciation: ik-spee-dee-uhnt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उपायकर (Upayakar), सुविधाजनक (Suvidhajanak)

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Word: Expound (V) Pronunciation: ik-spound Word Meaning: To explain in detail; to present and explain a theory, idea, or concept

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Word: Extempore (Adv.) Pronunciation: ik-stem-puh-ree Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: बिना तैयारी के (Bina

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Word: Extenuate (V) Pronunciation: ik-sten-yoo-eyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कम करना (Kam Karna),

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Word: Exterminate (V) Pronunciation: ik-stur-muh-neyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: नष्ट करना (Nasht Karna),

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Word: Extinction (N) Pronunciation: ik-stingk-shun Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: नष्टि (Nashti), समाप्ति (Samapti)

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Word: Extirpate (V) Pronunciation: ek-stur-peyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: नष्ट करना (Nasht Karna),

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Word: Extol (V) Pronunciation: ik-stohl Word Meaning: To praise highly; to speak or write in glowing terms about someone or

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Word: Extort (V) Pronunciation: ik-stawrt Word Meaning: To obtain something, especially money, through force, threats, or coercion; to extract unwillingly.

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Word: Extravagance (N) Pronunciation: ik-strav-uh-guhns Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अत्यधिक खर्च (Atyadhik Kharch),

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Word: Extricate (V) Pronunciation: ek-strih-kayt Word Meaning: To free or release from a difficulty, entanglement, or involvement; to disentangle. Uses

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Word: Exuberance (N) Pronunciation: ig-zoo-ber-uhns Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उत्साह (Utsah), आनंद (Anand)

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Word: Exude (V) Pronunciation: ig-zood Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रसरण करना (Prasaran Karna),

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Decry (V): Pronunciation: dih-krahy Word Meaning: To publicly denounce or criticize strongly; to express strong disapproval of. Uses in Sentence:

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Deface (V): Pronunciation: dih-feys Word Meaning: To spoil the appearance of something, especially by drawing or writing on it; to

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Defer (V): Pronunciation: dih-fur Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “defer” can be

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Defile (V) Pronunciation: dih-fahyl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कीचड़ा उछालना (Kichad Uchhalna), पवित्र

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Deft (Adj.) Pronunciation: deft Word Meaning: Skillful and quick in one’s movements; demonstrating cleverness and dexterity. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms:

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Defunct (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-fuhngkt Word Meaning: No longer in existence or functioning; no longer in use or operation. Uses in

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Deify (V) Pronunciation: dee-uh-fahy Word Meaning: To treat someone or something as a god, or to worship or regard with

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Delectable (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-lek-tuh-buhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: स्वादिष्ट (Swadisht), आकर्षक (Aakarshak), रसीला

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Delineate (V) Pronunciation: dih-lin-ee-ate Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: विवेचना करना (Vivechana Karna), स्पष्ट

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Delinquent (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-ling-kwuhnt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: दुराचारी (Duraachari), अपराधी (Apradhi), अव्यवस्थित

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Delirious (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-leer-ee-us Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: विक्षिप्त (Vikshipt), उत्साहित (Utsahit), भ्रमित

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Deleterious (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-luh-teer-ee-us Word Meaning: Harmful or damaging to health, well-being, or prosperity; having a harmful effect. Uses in

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Deliverance (N) Pronunciation: dih-liv-er-uhns Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मुक्ति (Mukti), रक्षा (Raksha), स्वतंत्रता

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Delude (V) Pronunciation: dih-lood Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: भ्रांति में डालना (Bhranti Mein

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Deluge (N) Pronunciation: deh-looj Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: बाढ़ (Baadh), बर्फबारी (Barfbaari), अधिक

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Delve (V) Pronunciation: delv Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: खोजना (Khojna), छानबीन करना (Chhanbeen

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Demagogue (N) Pronunciation: dem-uh-gog Word Meaning: A political leader or speaker who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and

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Demean (V) Pronunciation: dih-meen Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अपमान करना (Apaman Karna), नीचा

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Demeanour (N) Pronunciation: dih-mee-ner Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: आचरण (Aacharan), रवैया (Ravaiya), भावना

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Demur (N) Pronunciation: dih-mur Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: आपत्ति (Aaptti), असहमति (Asahmati), आलोचना

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Demure (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-myoor Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: संकोची (Sankochi), शालीन (Shaleen), विनम्र

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Denigrate (V) Pronunciation: dih-ni-greyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: बदनाम करना (Badnaam Karna), अपमानित

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Denounce (V) Pronunciation: dih-nouns Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: निंदा करना (Ninda Karna), दोष

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Deplete (V) Pronunciation: dih-pleet Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: घातक करना (Ghaatak Karna), कमी

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Deplore (V) Pronunciation: dih-plawr Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: निंदा करना (Ninda Karna), दुखी

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Deport (V) Pronunciation: dih-pawrt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: निष्कासित करना (Nishkasit Karna), विदेश

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Depose (V) Pronunciation: dih-pohz Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अधीन से हटाना (Adheen Se

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Depravity (N) Pronunciation: dih-prav-i-tee Word Meaning: Moral corruption, wickedness, or the state of being morally corrupt or perverted. Uses in

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Deprecate (V) Pronunciation: dih-pri-keyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: निंदा करना (Ninda Karna), अस्वीकार

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Depreciate (V) Pronunciation: dih-pree-shee-eyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मूल्य कम होना (Mulya Kam

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Depredation (N) Pronunciation: dep-rih-dey-shuhn Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: लूट (Loot), विनाशकारी हमला (Vinashkari

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Deprivation (N) Pronunciation: dep-ruh-vey-shuhn Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अभाव (Abhav), हानि (Haani), कमी

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Derange (V) Pronunciation: dih-reynj Word Meaning: To disturb the normal or healthy functioning of something; to make someone insane or

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Derelict (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-ruh-likt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उपेक्षित (Upekshit), त्यागा हुआ (Tyaga

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Deride (V) Pronunciation: dih-rahyd Word Meaning: To express contempt for; to ridicule or mock; to treat with scorn or disdain.

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Derision (N) Pronunciation: dih-rizh-uhn Word Meaning: Contemptuous ridicule or mockery; the act of treating someone or something with scorn or

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Derogatory (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-rog-uh-tawr-ee Word Meaning: Tending to lessen the reputation of a person or thing; expressing a low opinion;

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Desecrate (V) Pronunciation: deh-si-kreyt Word Meaning: To treat a sacred place, object, or symbol with violent disrespect; to violate the

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Desideratum (N) Pronunciation: dih-si-deh-rah-tuhm Word Meaning: Something that is needed or wanted; a desirable thing or quality. Uses in Sentence:

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Despicable (Adj.) Pronunciation: dih-spik-uh-buhl Word Meaning: Deserving contempt or scorn; vile; utterly detestable. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning

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Despise (V) Pronunciation: dih-spahyz Word Meaning: To regard with contempt or scorn; to look down on or strongly dislike. Uses

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Despondent (Adjective): Pronunciation: \di-ˈspän-dənt\ Word Meaning: Despondent describes a state of extreme discouragement, hopelessness, or despair. It conveys a feeling

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Destitute (Noun, Adjective): Noun and Adjective: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Detract (Verb) Pronunciation: dih-trakt Word Meaning: To take away, diminish, or reduce the worth, value, quality, or importance of something.

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Detriment (Noun) Pronunciation: dih-truh-muhnt Word Meaning: Harm, damage, or injury; something that causes harm or damage to a person, thing,

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Devious (Adjective) Pronunciation: dee-vee-uhs Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: चालाक (Chalak) Word Uses in Hindi:

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Devise (Verb) Pronunciation: dih-vahyz Meaning: To plan, invent, or create (a method, system, or object) by careful thought or imagination;

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Devoid (Adjective) Pronunciation: dih-void Meaning: Entirely lacking or free from; not possessing; empty or barren. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms:

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Devolve (Verb) Pronunciation: dih-volv Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सौंपना (Saupna) or हस्तांतरित करना (Hastaantarit

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Dexterity (Noun) Pronunciation: dek-ster-i-tee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कुशलता, निपुणता, हुशियारी Word uses

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Diabolic (Adjective) Pronunciation: dahy-uh-bol-ik Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: राक्षसी, शैतानी, दुष्ट Word uses

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Dilettante (Noun) Pronunciation: dil-i-tahnt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: शौकीन, अनुभवहीन, शौक़ीन व्यक्ति Word

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Diffident (Adjective) Pronunciation: dih-fi-duhnt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “diffident” can be

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Dilapidated (Adjective) Pronunciation: dih-lap-i-dey-tid Meaning: In a state of disrepair or ruin, especially due to neglect; partially ruined or deteriorated.

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Diligent (Adjective) Pronunciation: dih-luh-juhnt Meaning: Characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort; hardworking, attentive, and persistent in one’s work or

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Dire (Adjective): Pronunciation: dahyuh or dahy-er Word Meaning: “Dire” is an adjective that describes a situation or circumstance that is

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Disaffection (Noun): Pronunciation: dis-uh-fek-shuhn Word Meaning: Disaffection refers to a state of discontent, dissatisfaction, or lack of loyalty towards a

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Disarm (Verb): Pronunciation: /dɪsˈɑːm/ Word Meaning: To disarm means to deprive someone or something of weapons or the ability to

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Discrimination (Noun): Pronunciation: /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃən/ Word Meaning: Discrimination refers to the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially

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Discursive (Adjective): Pronunciation: /dɪˈskɜːrsɪv/ Word Meaning: Discursive refers to a style of communication or writing that explores various ideas, topics,

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Disdain (Noun and Verb): Pronunciation: /dɪsˈdeɪn/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in

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Disgruntled (Adjective): Pronunciation: /dɪsˈɡrʌntld/ Word Meaning: Disgruntled is an adjective used to describe someone who is dissatisfied, displeased, or discontented,

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Disgust (Noun): Pronunciation: /dɪsˈɡʌst/ Word Meaning: Disgust, as a noun, refers to a strong feeling of revulsion or profound disapproval.

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Disinterested (Adjective): Pronunciation: dis-in-ter-uh-stid Word Meaning: Impartial, not influenced by personal feelings, biases, or interests; unbiased. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms:

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Carnage (Noun): Pronunciation: Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Carnival (Noun): Pronunciation: Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Cascade (Noun, Verb): Pronunciation:Noun: \kahs-KAYD\Verb: \kahs-KAYD\ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in

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Casualty (N): Pronunciation: /ˈkaʒ.ju.əl.ti/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “Casualty” in Hindi

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Catapult (N, V): Pronunciation: Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word Uses in Hindi:

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Catastrophe (N): Pronunciation: /kəˈtæs.trə.fi/ Word Meaning: A catastrophe refers to a sudden and widespread disaster, often causing significant damage, destruction,

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