

Boorish (Adj.) Pronunciation: boor-ish Word Meaning: “Boorish” is an adjective used to describe someone who displays rough, rude, or uncultured […]

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Bounden (Adj.) Pronunciation: boun-dun Word Meaning: “Bounden” is an archaic or literary term used as an adjective to describe something

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Bountiful (Adj.) Pronunciation: boun-ti-ful Word Meaning: “Bountiful” is an adjective used to describe something that is plentiful, abundant, or generous

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Bowdlerize (V) Pronunciation: bohd-luh-rahyz Word Meaning: “Bowdlerize” is a verb that means to remove or modify material considered offensive, vulgar,

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Brace (V) Pronunciation: breys Word Meaning: “Brace” as a verb has multiple meanings, but one common usage is to prepare

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Bravado (N) Pronunciation: bruh-vah-doh Word Meaning: “Bravado” is a noun referring to a show of boldness or confidence that is

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Brave (V) Pronunciation: breyv Word Meaning: As a verb, “brave” means to face or endure a challenging or dangerous situation

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Breed (V) Pronunciation: breed Word Meaning: As a verb, “breed” means to produce offspring through reproduction, especially in the context

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Brew (V) Pronunciation: broo Word Meaning: As a verb, “brew” means to prepare or make a beverage, typically tea or

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Bridle (V) Pronunciation: brahy-dl Word Meaning: As a verb, “bridle” means to control, restrain, or bring under control, especially in

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Brittle (Adj.) Pronunciation: brit-l Word Meaning: “Brittle” as an adjective describes something that is easily broken, cracked, or shattered. It

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Bristle (V) Pronunciation: BRIS-ul Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: चुभना (Chubhna) or कड़ा होना

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Browbeat (V) Pronunciation: BROH-beet Word Meaning: To intimidate or dominate with stern or overbearing looks or words; to bully. Uses

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Brunt (N) Pronunciation: bruhnt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रभाव (Prabhav) or संघात (Sanghat)

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Browse (V) Pronunciation: browz Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word Uses in Hindi:

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Bruise (N) Pronunciation: brooz Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: चोट (Chot) or कुचलना (Kuchalna)

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Brusque (Adj.) Pronunciation: bruhsk Word Meaning: Blunt in manner or speech, often to the point of rudeness; abrupt. Uses in

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Buccaneer (N) Pronunciation: buhk-uh-neer Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: समुद्री डाकू (Samudri Daku) or

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Budding (Adj.) Pronunciation: BUD-ing Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्ररूपी (Prarupi) or उत्पन्न (Utpann)

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Buffet (N): Pronunciation: buh-FAY Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “buffet” can be

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Bulwark (N): Pronunciation: BUHL-wark Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “bulwark” can be

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Buoyant (Adj.): Pronunciation: BOY-unt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “buoyant” can be

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Bustle (N): Pronunciation: BUSS-ul Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “bustle” can be

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Buttress (V): Pronunciation: BUH-tress Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “buttress” can be

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Bygone (Adj.): Pronunciation: BYE-gone Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “bygone” can be

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Abandon (V) Pronunciation: /əˈbændən/ Meaning: Abandon, as a verb, means to leave or desert someone or something entirely, often in

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Abase (V) Pronunciation: /əˈbeɪs/ Meaning: Abase, as a verb, means to lower in rank, dignity, or esteem; to humiliate or

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Abduct (V) Pronunciation: /əbˈdʌkt/ Meaning: Abduct, as a verb, refers to the action of taking someone away against their will,

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Abhor (V): Pronunciation: /əbˈhɔːr/ Word Meaning: “Abhor” means to regard with extreme repugnance, disgust, or hatred. It signifies a strong

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Abide (V): Pronunciation: uh-bahyd Word Meaning: “Abide” means to accept, tolerate, or endure something. It can also refer to staying

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Abject (Adj.): Pronunciation: ab-jekt Word Meaning: “Abject” describes a condition of extreme humiliation, degradation, or hopelessness. It refers to a

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Abjure (V): Pronunciation: ab-jure (pronounced as ab-jooer) Word Meaning: To solemnly renounce or reject a belief, claim, or course of

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Abominable (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-bom-uh-nuh-bul (pronounced as uh-bom-uh-nuh-bul) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: घिनौना (Ghinauna)

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Abortive (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-bawr-tiv (pronounced as uh-bor-tiv) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: नष्ट हो

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Abrasive (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-brey-siv (pronounced as uh-brey-siv) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कठोर (Kathor)

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Abreast (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-brest (pronounced as uh-brest) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: बराबर (Barabar)

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Abridged (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-brijd (pronounced as uh-brijd) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: संक्षेपित (Sankshipt)

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Abrogate (V): Pronunciation: ab-ruh-geyt (pronounced as ab-ruh-geyt) Word Meaning: To repeal, revoke, or annul, especially a law, treaty, or formal

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Abrupt (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-bruhpt (pronounced as uh-bruhpt) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अचानक (Achanak)

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Abscond (V): Pronunciation: ab-skond (pronounced as ab-skond) Word Meaning: To leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection or arrest.

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Absolve (V): Pronunciation: ab-zolv (pronounced as ab-zolv) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: बरी करना

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Abstinence (N): Pronunciation: ab-stuh-nuhns (pronounced as ab-stuh-nuhns) Word Meaning: The practice of refraining from indulging in certain activities, particularly the

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Abstruse (Adj.): Pronunciation: ab-stroos (pronounced as ab-stroos) Word Meaning: Difficult to understand, obscure, or complex, especially in terms of ideas,

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Abysmal (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-biz-muhl (pronounced as uh-biz-muhl) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अत्यंत खराब

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Acclaim (V): Pronunciation: uh-kleym Word Meaning: To praise or applaud enthusiastically, often publicly, to express approval or admiration for someone

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Accolade (N): Pronunciation: ak-uh-leyd Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: पुरस्कार (Puraskaar) / श्रेय (Shrey)

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Accomplice (N): Pronunciation: uh-kom-plis Word Meaning: “Accomplice” refers to a person who knowingly and voluntarily participates in a crime or

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Accord (N): Pronunciation: uh-kawrd Word Meaning: “Accord” as a noun refers to an agreement, harmony, or mutual understanding between parties.

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Accost (V): Pronunciation: uh-kawst Word Meaning: “Accost” means to approach and address someone boldly or aggressively, often with the intention

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Accrue (V): Pronunciation: uh-kroo Word Meaning: “Accrue” refers to the accumulation or gradual increase of something over time, such as

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Acme (N): Pronunciation: ak-mee Word Meaning: “Acme” refers to the highest point, peak, or culmination of something. It represents the

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Acumen (N): Pronunciation: uh-kyoo-muhn Word Meaning: “Acumen” refers to the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in

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Adamant (Adj.): Pronunciation: AD-uh-muhnt Word Meaning: “Adamant” describes someone who is firm, unyielding, and determined in their beliefs or decisions.

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Adroit (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-droit Word Meaning: “Adroit” describes someone who is skillful, clever, and adept in handling situations or tasks,

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Aegis (N): Pronunciation: EE-jis Word Meaning: “Aegis” refers to the protection, sponsorship, or support of a particular person, organization, or

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Affable (Adj.): Pronunciation: AF-uh-buhl Word Meaning: “Affable” describes a person who is friendly, approachable, and easy to talk to. It

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Affect (V): Pronunciation: uh-fekt Word Meaning: “To affect” as a verb has several meanings, but broadly, it refers to the

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Affectation (N): Pronunciation: af-ek-tey-shuhn Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: ढंग (Dhang) / नृत्य (Nritya)

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Affinity (N): Pronunciation: uh-fin-i-tee Word Meaning: “Affinity” refers to a natural liking or attraction towards something or someone, often based

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Affliction (N): Pronunciation: uh-flik-shuhn Word Meaning: “Affliction” refers to a state of pain, distress, or hardship. It is a condition

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Afflict (V): Pronunciation: uh-flikt Word Meaning: “To afflict” means to cause pain, suffering, or distress. It refers to the act

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Affront (N): Pronunciation: uh-fruhnt Word Meaning: “Affront” as a noun refers to an action or remark that causes outrage or

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Aghast (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-gast Word Meaning: “Aghast” is an adjective that describes a feeling of shock, horror, or amazement, often

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Agility (N): Pronunciation: uh-jil-i-tee Word Meaning: “Agility” refers to the ability to move quickly and easily with precision, flexibility, and

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Agnostic (N): Pronunciation: ag-NOS-tik Word Meaning: “Agnostic” refers to a person who believes that the existence of God or the

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Agog (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-gog Word Meaning: “Agog” describes a state of eager anticipation, excitement, or enthusiasm. It conveys a sense

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Alacrity (N): Pronunciation: uh-LAK-ri-tee Word Meaning: “Alacrity” refers to brisk and cheerful readiness or eagerness to do something. It implies

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Albeit (Conj.): Pronunciation: awl-bee-it Word Meaning: Although; even though; notwithstanding; in spite of the fact that. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms:

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Alchemy (N): Pronunciation: al-kuh-mee Word Meaning: “Alchemy” historically refers to a medieval and early modern philosophical and protoscientific tradition. It

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Allay (V): Pronunciation: uh-lay Word Meaning: “Allay” means to calm, pacify, or reduce the intensity of something, such as fears,

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Alleviate (V): Pronunciation: uh-lee-vee-eyt Word Meaning: To make a situation or a symptom less severe or more bearable; to relieve

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Alibi (N): Pronunciation: al-uh-bye Word Meaning: “Alibi” refers to evidence or a proof that an individual was not present at

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Alienate (V): Pronunciation: AY-lee-uh-nayt Word Meaning: To cause someone to feel isolated, estranged, or separated from others; to make someone

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Alien (N, Adj.): Pronunciation: AY-lee-uhn (Noun), AY-lee-uhn (Adjective) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word

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Alimony (N): Pronunciation: uh-luh-moh-nee Word Meaning: “Alimony” refers to the financial support that a person is required to provide to

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Allude (V): Pronunciation: uh-lood Word Meaning: To make an indirect reference to something; to mention something briefly or in passing

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Allusion (N): Pronunciation: uh-loo-zhun Word Meaning: “Allusion” refers to a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or

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Aloof (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-loof Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: दूर (Door) / अलग (Alag)

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Altercation (N): Pronunciation: awl-ter-KAY-shun Word Meaning: A noisy or heated argument, disagreement, or verbal dispute between two or more people.

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Alternate (V): Pronunciation: awl-tuhr-nayt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: बदलना (Badalna) / क्रम पर

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Amble (N): Pronunciation: am-buhl Word Meaning: A slow, leisurely walk, typically done in a relaxed or unhurried manner. Uses in

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Ambidextrous (Adj.): Pronunciation: am-bi-DEK-struhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उभयचर (Ubhayachar) Word uses in

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Ambiguous (Adj.): Pronunciation: am-BIG-yoo-us Word Meaning: Having more than one possible interpretation, unclear, or having a double meaning; open to

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Ambivalent (Adj.): Pronunciation: am-BIV-uh-luhnt Word Meaning: Experiencing mixed or conflicting emotions, attitudes, or feelings toward a particular person, thing, or

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Amiss (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-MISS Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: ग़लत (Ghalat) / असुविधा में

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Amity (N): Pronunciation: AM-i-tee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मैत्री (Maitri) / सौहार्द (Sauhard)

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Amputate (V): Pronunciation: AM-pyoo-tayt Word Meaning: To surgically remove a limb, part of a limb, or any extremity of the

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Ameliorate (V): Pronunciation: uh-MEEL-yuh-rayt Word Meaning: To make something better or improve a situation; to alleviate or enhance the quality

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Amenable (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-MEE-nuh-buhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सुचारु (Sucharu) / आज्ञाकारी (Aajnyakari)

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Amenity (N): Pronunciation: uh-MEN-i-tee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सुविधा (Suvidha) / सुखदता (Sukhdata)

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Amiable (Adj.): Pronunciation: AY-mee-uh-buhl Word Meaning: Having a friendly and pleasant manner; characterized by warmth and friendliness. Uses in Sentence:

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Amicable (Adj.): Pronunciation: am-i-kuh-buhl Word Meaning: Characterized by friendliness and a lack of hostility; showing goodwill and a cooperative spirit,

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Amnesia (N): Pronunciation: am-NEE-zhuh Word Meaning: A condition marked by a loss of memory, often due to brain injury, shock,

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Amnesty (N): Pronunciation: AM-nuh-stee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: क्षमादान (Kshamadaan) / अक्षम्यता (Akshamyata)

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Amoral (Adj.): Pronunciation: ey-MOR-ul Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: नीतिरहित (Neetirahit) / अधर्मिक (Adharmik)

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Amuck (Adv.): Pronunciation: uh-MUHK Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: आत्मनिग्रह में (Atmanigrah Mein) /

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Anachronism (N): Pronunciation: uh-NAK-ruh-niz-uhm Word Meaning: “Anachronism” refers to something that is out of its proper time or place, especially

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Analogy (N): Pronunciation: uh-NAL-uh-jee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: समर्थन (Samarthan) / समानुपात (Samanupat)

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Anathema (N): Pronunciation: uh-NATH-uh-muh Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: शाप (Shaap) / अभिशाप (Abhishaap)

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Anguish (N): Pronunciation: ANG-gwish Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: दुःख (Dukh) / वेदना (Vedna)

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Animate (V): Pronunciation: AN-uh-mayt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: जीवन देना (Jeevan Dena) /

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Anomalous (Adj.): Pronunciation: uh-NOM-uh-luhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: असामान्य (Asaamanya) / विसंगत (Visangat)

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Antecedent (Adj.): Pronunciation: an-tuh-SEED-nt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: पूर्ववृत्त (Poorvvrit) / पूर्वक्रिया (Poorvakriya)

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Antediluvian (Adj.): Pronunciation: an-tee-di-loo-vee-uhn Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्राचीन (Prachin) / पुरातात्विक (Puratatvik)

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Apogee (N): Pronunciation: AP-uh-jee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अंतरिक्ष यान का सबसे दूरबीन

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Apostasy (N): Pronunciation: uh-POS-tuh-see Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मतत्याग (Mat-tyaag) / परित्याग (Parityaag)

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Appall (V): Pronunciation: uh-PAWL Word Meaning: To fill with horror, shock, or dismay; to greatly dismay or horrify. Uses in

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Apparel (N): Pronunciation: uh-PAIR-uhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: वस्त्र (Vastr) / पहनावा (Pehnava)

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Appease (V): Pronunciation: uh-PEEZ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: शांत करना (Shaant Karna) /

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Applaud (V): Pronunciation: uh-PLAWD Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: ताली बजाना (Taali Bajana) /

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Applause (N): Pronunciation: uh-PLAWZ Word Meaning: The enthusiastic approval or recognition expressed by clapping hands, cheering, or other audible expressions

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Apposite (Adj.): Pronunciation: AP-uh-zit Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उपयुक्त (Upyukt) / योग्य (Yogya)

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Appraise (V): Pronunciation: uh-PREYZ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मूल्यांकन करना (Mulyankan Karna) /

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Apprehend (V): Pronunciation: ap-ri-hend Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Apprise (V): Pronunciation: uh-PRYZ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सूचित करना (Suchit Karna) /

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Approbation (N): Pronunciation: ap-ruh-BEY-shun Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: स्वीकृति (Sweekriti) / प्रशंसा (Prashansa)

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Arbitrary (Adj.) Pronunciation: AHR-bi-trer-ee Word Meaning: The adjective “arbitrary” refers to actions, decisions, or rules that are based on personal

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Arcane (Adj.) Pronunciation: ar-KEYN Word Meaning: The adjective “arcane” refers to something mysterious, secret, or understood by only a few

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Archaic (Adj.) Pronunciation: ar-KEY-ik Word Meaning: The adjective “archaic” refers to something that is very old or ancient, often no

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Arid (Adj.) Pronunciation: AR-id Word Meaning: The adjective “arid” is used to describe land, climate, or conditions that lack moisture,

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Arraign (V) Pronunciation: uh-reyn Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अभियोग लगाना (Abhiyog Lagana) /

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Arrant (Adj.) Pronunciation: AIR-uhnt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: पूर्ण (Poorn) / सर्वस्व (Sarvasva)

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Array (Verb): Pronunciation: uh-rey Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: व्यवस्थित करना (Vyavasthit Karna) /

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Arrears (Noun): Pronunciation: uh-reers Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: बकाया (Bakaya) / किसी से

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Arrogate (Verb): Pronunciation: uh-roh-geyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अधिकृत करना (Adhikrit Karna) /

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Articulate (Verb): Pronunciation: ahr-TIK-yuh-layt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्त करना

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Ascendancy (Noun): Pronunciation: uh-SEN-duhn-see Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रभुत्व (Prabhutva) / अधिकार (Adhikar)

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Asperse (Verb): Pronunciation: uh-spurss Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कलंकित करना (Kalankit Karna) /

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Asphyxia (Noun): Pronunciation: uh-sfik-see-uh Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अस्फिक्सिया (Asphyxia) / प्राणदहन (Pranadahan)

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Assail (Verb): Pronunciation: uh-seyl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: हमला करना (Hamla Karna) /

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Assent (Noun): Pronunciation: uh-sent Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सहमति (Sahmati) / मंजूरी (Manzoori)

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Asseverate (Verb): Pronunciation: uh-sev-uh-reyt Word Meaning: To assert or affirm strongly; to state or declare with confidence. Uses in Sentence:

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Assiduous (Adjective): Pronunciation: uh-SIJ-oo-uhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: परिश्रमी (Parishrami) / मेहनती (Mehnati)

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Astound (Verb): Pronunciation: uh-stound Word Meaning: To shock or greatly surprise someone, often by something unexpected or impressive. Uses in

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Astute (Adjective): Pronunciation: uh-stoot Word Meaning: Having a keen perception, insight, or shrewdness; able to notice and understand things clearly;

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Asunder (Adverb): Pronunciation: uh-suhn-der Word Meaning: Into separate parts or pieces; apart; separated. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning

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Atone (Verb): Pronunciation: uh-tohn Word Meaning: To make amends for a wrongdoing; to make up for a mistake or a

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Atrocious (Adjective): Pronunciation: uh-TROH-shus Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: भयानक (Bhayank) / घोर (Ghor)

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Atrocity (Noun): Pronunciation: uh-TROS-i-tee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अत्याचार (Atyachar) / नृशंसता (Nirshanshata)

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Atrophy (Noun): Pronunciation: A-truh-fee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: क्षीणता (Ksheenata) / कमजोरी (Kamjori)

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Attenuate (Verb): Pronunciation: uh-TEN-yoo-eyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: पतला करना (Patla Karna) /

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Attribute (V): Pronunciation: uh-trib-yoot Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: श्रेय देना (Shrey Dena) /

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Attrition (N): Pronunciation: uh-TRISH-un Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: क्षय (Kshay) / हानि (Haani)

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Attune (V): Pronunciation: uh-toon Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: समरस करना (Samaras Karna) /

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Augur (V): Pronunciation: AW-ger Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: शकुन (Shakun) / शगुन (Shagun)

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August (Adj.): Pronunciation: aw-GUST Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रतिष्ठानपूर्ण (Pratishthanpoorn) / ग़ायबान (Ghayanban)

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Austere (Adj.) Pronunciation: aw-STEER Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कठिन (Kathin) / सीमित (Seemit)

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Avenue (N) Pronunciation: AV-uh-noo or AV-uh-nyoo Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मार्ग (Marg) /

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Averse (Adj.) Pronunciation: uh-VERSE Word Meaning: Having a strong dislike or opposition to something; being unwilling to accept or tolerate

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Avid (Adj.) Pronunciation: AV-id Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उत्सुक (Utsuk) / उत्कृष्ट रूप

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Awful (Adj.) Pronunciation: AW-fuhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: भयानक (Bhayank) / खराब (Kharab)

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Awesome (Adj.) Pronunciation: AW-suhm Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: भव्य (Bhavya) / अद्वितीय (Advitiya)

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Awry (Adj.) Pronunciation: uh-rahy Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: विकृत (Vikrit), भुला हुआ (Bhula

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