
Cataclysm (N):

  • Pronunciation: ka-tuh-kliz-uhm
  • Word Meaning: A sudden and violent upheaval, especially one causing great destruction or a momentous event marked by overwhelming upheaval and change.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The earthquake was a cataclysm that devastated the entire city.
    2. The political revolution brought about a cataclysm in the country’s governance.
  • Synonyms: Disaster, upheaval, catastrophe, calamity, apocalypse.
  • Antonyms: Stability, peace, tranquility.
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रलय (Pralay), महाकवि (Mahakavi)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. उस भूकंप ने पूरे शहर को प्रलय में डाल दिया। (That earthquake plunged the entire city into cataclysm.)
    2. राजनीतिक क्रांति ने देश के शासन में महाकवि लाई। (The political revolution brought about a cataclysm in the country’s governance.)
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