
Canker (Noun):

  • Pronunciation: KANG-ker
  • Word Meaning:
    • A destructive or spreading sore, especially in the mouth or on the skin.
    • Something that corrupts, destroys, or causes deterioration.
    • A term used metaphorically for a source of corruption or decay.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The cold sore developed into a painful canker on his lip.
    2. Corruption within the organization was like a canker eating away at its foundations.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Ulcer
    2. Lesion
    3. Blister
    4. Corruption
    5. Rot
  • Antonyms:
    1. Healing
    2. Improvement
    3. Recovery
    4. Restoration
    5. Health
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: सोरा (Sora), गांठ (Ganth), कीड़ा (Kida)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. सर्दी का सोरा उसके होंठ पर दर्दनाक गांठ में बदल गया। (The cold sore developed into a painful canker on his lip.)
    2. संगठन में भ्रष्टाचार उसकी नींवों को खा रहा था, जैसे कीड़ा। (Corruption within the organization was like a canker eating away at its foundations.)
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