
Calm (Noun and Adjective):

  • Pronunciation: kahm
  • Word Meaning (Noun):
    1. A state of tranquility or quietness, often free from disturbance or agitation.
    2. Absence of strong winds or rough seas; a period of peaceful weather.
  • Word Meaning (Adjective):
    • Free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance; peaceful and serene.
    • Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.
  • Uses in Sentence (Noun):
    1. The lake reflected the calm of the surrounding mountains.
    2. The storm passed, leaving a sense of calm in its wake.
  • Uses in Sentence (Adjective):
    1. Despite the chaos around, she remained calm and composed.
    2. The atmosphere in the room was calm, and everyone spoke in hushed tones.
  • Synonyms (Noun):
    1. Serenity
    2. Tranquility
    3. Stillness
    4. Peace
    5. Quiet
  • Synonyms (Adjective):
    1. Serene
    2. Peaceful
    3. Tranquil
    4. Composed
    5. Unruffled
  • Antonyms (Noun):
    1. Turbulence
    2. Agitation
    3. Disturbance
    4. Chaos
    5. Unrest
  • Antonyms (Adjective):
    1. Agitated
    2. Disturbed
    3. Excited
    4. Nervous
    5. Upset
  • Word Meaning in Hindi:
    1. Noun: शांति (Shanti), कमी (Kami)
    2. Adjective: शांत (Shant), शांतिपूर्ण (Shantipurna)
  • Word uses in Hindi:
    1. Noun:
      • झील ने आसपास की पहाड़ियों की शांति को प्रतिबिंबित किया। (The lake reflected the calm of the surrounding mountains.)
      • तूफान गुज़रा, जिसने अपने पीछे शांति की भावना छोड़ी। (The storm passed, leaving a sense of calm in its wake.)
    2. Adjective:
      • चारों ओर के अराजकता के बावजूद, उसने शांत और संयत रही। (Despite the chaos around, she remained calm and composed.)
      • कमरे में वातावरण शांत था, और सभी हूशियारी से बोल रहे थे। (The atmosphere in the room was calm, and everyone spoke in hushed tones.)
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